I’ve thought about this book a ton since reading it when it launched, and I had John on my podcast. So, I read it again, and it’s so damn good. I really wish it got more of the attention that it deserves because it’s so much more unique than many of the other books in this realm. We live in a time where people don’t care about the truth as long as they hear something that aligns with their beliefs. It seems like it’s only getting worse, and that’s why this book is so important.

Bullshit is a lack of concern with the truth. John’s been researching this topic for years, and he explains why bullshit is such a problem. There are anecdotes of non-consequential situations where bullshit doesn’t really matter, but he shows how it can lead us to believe even more bullshit. Through his own research as well as the research from others, Petrocelli explains why we fall for bullshit, why people bullshit, what we can do to prevent it, and much more.

Not only do I think everyone should read this book, it’s one I’m going to have my son read as well to help him become a better thinker.

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