Many will be shocked by the inclusion of this book on my list. After all, what can a music writer learn from a celebrity chef and TV show host? And it’s true, I don’t pay much attention to cable television pundits. But Anthony Bourdain had a profound impact on how I pursue my vocation—standing out as an inspiring role model when I reinvented myself as an honest broker in my craft. I could write an entire essay on things I learned from Mr. Bourdain, but what most impressed me was: (1) He was absolutely real, unguarded, and compassionate, thus earning his audience’s trust; (2) He followed his instincts even when they ran counter to what everyone else in his field was doing; (3) He never lost sight of the fact that his special subject (food) is intimately connected with the whole human being and our larger social fabric; and (4) He brought people together and celebrated their common humanity, even in the most difficult and divisive settings. I don’t kid myself; I know I can’t be another Anthony Bourdain—he had gifts I don’t possess. But I still learned from him, adapting his approach as best I can to the possibilities of my personal mission and skill set.