
"When Janusz Korczak was notified by the Nazis that his orphanage would be moved to the Warsaw Ghetto, he accompanied the children. He was given opportunities to leave but he refused them all.

He wanted the children's lives to feel as normal as they possibly could in the Warsaw Ghetto (where Jewish people were sad, starving, and dying)... When the Nazis came to take all [200] children to an extermination camp, Korczak was offered a chance to leave, but he would not send those children alone to die...

Korczak holding the hands of the youngest children, mere toddlers boarded the train with them to die. People stood there and watched. In the midst of death and destruction... these children were experiencing firsthand, there was... self-sacrifice.

This is how God relates to us. This is what Jesus Christ has done for us. The Lord holds our small hands and accompanies us out into the death and destruction that is so often a part of our lives. Knowing this makes everything different."

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