This slipped by everyone’s attention Thursday, but while Trump was getting indicted NBC News also ran a totally credulous interview with ex-Fox News producer Abby Grossberg, who claims Fox wants to make her the fall person in the Dominion case.

Did they do zero diligence on her?

Yes, Fox News is guilty at a corporate level. But seriously, Abby Grossberg is in no way innocent. Anybody can just read the documents released in the Dominion lawsuit, which reveal her to have been a tinfoil believer in the election lies *and* in corrupt pursuit of ratings.
From the segment:

Cynthia McFadden: “There are producers who would say, ‘I would walk out the door, I wouldn’t put something on the air that I couldn’t stand up factually.’”

Abby Grossberg: “I wish that I had the power to do that. I wanted to keep my job.”

This is laughable.
November 7, 2020: Grossberg receives an email from Maria Bartiromo, containing Bartiromo’s notes of a phone call with Sidney Powell. The notes lay out a vast conspiracy involving “Hammer and Scorecard,” as well as voting machines being “directed also by Soros.”
November 7, 2020: Abby Grossberg receives a forwarded email from Maria Bartiromo, containing the letter from the bizarre source that Sidney Powell had for voting machine claims, involving supernatural visions:
Grossberg on November 14, 2020: “Do we have to pull that statement from Dominion denying wrongdoing?”
Nov. 15, 2020: Grossberg sends a publicity email for Bartiromo’s interview w/ Powell, “the latest on her investigation into Dominion Voting Systems … and why she believes there’s enough evidence, including sworn affidavits, of wrongdoing to overturn the 2020 election results.”
On multiple occasions, Grossberg received Dominion’s “Setting The Record Straight” emails, along with an offer to get a Dominion spokesman (former House Republican aide Michael Steel) on the show directly.
Grossberg: “The win for Sidney is hope.”

Rare moment for of self-examination, Bartiromo wondered if she should’ve asked in an interview about a peaceful transition.

Grossberg: “To be honest, our audience doesn't want to hear about a peaceful transition. They still have hope.”
Abby Grossberg pushed claims (out of thin air) that judges were being threatened, and told Bartiromo that Republicans should run in the Georgia runoffs on a platform that Democrats were cheating and Republicans would “fight like hell.”

She also called Michael Flynn “brilliant.”
Grossberg and Bartiromo were upset, Fox anchor Eric Shawn fact-checked Trump’s election claims on Bartiromo’s show.

Grossberg: “It’s pathetic and also not a good look for fox … Perpetuates the narrative of post-election failure and infighting. … So desperate for attention.”
Grossberg criticized Jeanine Pirro for seemingly pulling back on election fraud claims. (Management made her, by the way!)

Grossberg said election-fraud talk was good for ratings: “74M people voted for trump. That’s a lot of potential viewers, They’re all missing the boat.”
Grossberg: “Sidney is right. He’s [Gov. Brian Kemp] totally getting kickbacks. The sec of state too, who is pushing those drop boxes and says signature matching is impossible.”
More of Grossberg: “Expert said he saw dominion communicating with Germany, which is where Ratcliffe said they have people”
All these documents are out in public. NBC News seemingly just didn’t look at them, and instead gave this person a fluff piece about how she was just some innocent and vulnerable person forced by her job to put crazy stuff on the air.
If an actual news organization is going to interview Abby Grossberg, you should confront her with the black-and-white proof of her absolute culpability in the election lies and her reckless disregard for the truth. You don’t let her do this whole routine, “It felt awful.”
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