How @vtllr became a millionaire with one NFT investment:
In this thread we'll cover:

1. Building capital
2. Making concentrated bets
3. Betting on founders
4. Holding long term
5. Investment strategy
6. My thoughts
1. Building capital

Vincent got into crypto in 2017.

For the next 4 years he took his income and DCA'd into BTC and ETH.

Then he got into Solana NFTs...
He flipped 4 Degen Apes for a 6x gain.

Which gave him the capital needed to make multiple big bets.
2. Making concentrated bets

Vincent got interested in Solana NFTs at the perfect time.

Since the best performing Solana NFT of all time was about to mint in a few weeks.

And he was ready...
Vincent ended up minting 30 DeGods.

And bought 10 more on secondary.

For a total cost of roughly $20,000.
3. Betting on founders

Vincent has a founder driven investment thesis.

He needs to have full conviction in the team before buying in.

Which is why he minted DeGods, because he had high conviction in Frank.
What Vincent looks for in a founder:

- Clear vision
- Understanding of NFT culture
- Amazing at community building
- Creating something unique

"Basically the founder need to have a growth mindset." - @vtllr
4. Holding long term

Vincent is not a trader, he is an investor.

He holds NFTs for at least 1 year before even thinking about taking profits.

And so far it worked out well for him...
His DeGods are now worth roughly: $1M

And the 46 y00ts he got for free by holding and staking DeGods are now worth: $185k
5. Investment strategy

Vincent invests in very few collections.

But, when he does he buys many NFTs.

To summarize his strategy is...

Buy high quantity NFTs from high quality collections and hold them long term.
6. My thoughts

Vincent did get somewhat lucky minting DeGods.

However, he put himself in a position to capitalize on that luck.

He spent years building up the capital needed to make concentrated bets.
But, what wasn't luck was the countless hours of research he did.

He was in the Discord, on Twitter and on spaces talking directly to Frank.

He did the work needed to build conviction in the DeGods team and community.
With Vincent's investment strategy he only needs 1 collection to perform really well.

He's made other concentrated bets that haven't performed as well.

But, that's totally fine and expected.

1 winner will pay for all the losses.
Thank you for reading!

Each week I spend 40 hours studying an NFT founder, investor or project and I write a thread summarizing what I learn.

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