If you feel like missing every "generational wealth" opportunity - read this 🧵
1000x here, lifechanging flip there, seems like everyone having a good time and only you missing out?

Well, it's easy to get caught in this way of thinking... we are used to be dramatic about ourselves and our actions (including not taken ones)

But here's the thing...
1) Your case is not unique

Since we talk about missing out the money, then let's dive deeper into it

Seriously, which % of total people in the space post those insane numbers? Probably less than 0.1%

X people on Twitter are not the best representation of overall situation
Bad representative group -> misperception of situation -> constant comparison to others

You will rarely see tweet about "fading gen wealth" going viral if it's just yet another complaint. At the same time, success stories gain dozens of engagement

That's how bias being formed
2) You have same "old" way of thinking

"Insanity - doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results"

In our case it might be NOT doing same things (example: not farming juicy airdrops)

Can't expect any other result without adjustments of your usual decisions
3) You're in wrong inner cycle

We're the sum of 5-10 closest people. If they're not achieving anything, chances that you're stuck with them are pretty high

Find the circle of hustlers, of "hungry" people and start conquering with them, step by step
4) You believe it's over

While in reality it's not the first and not the last opportunity

Use your energy wisely: don't disrupt your mood -> focus on finding the next big thing

I know it's easier said than done, but changing and developing yourself is never a simple thing

1) Most people fade opportunities just like you. Don't think you're only "unlucky" one
2) Doing same things will lead you to same result. Change the habits
3) Your inner cycle is defining thing. Keep it strong
4) Opportunities come and go. Always move to the next one
Thanks for reading this thread, hope you found it interesting!

If so, then i would appreciate your engagement under first tweet

Have a wonderful day 🤝

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