Life "cheat codes" everyone should know:
1. The only real test of intelligence is if you get what you want out of life.

If you’re so smart why aren’t you rich?
If you’re so smart why aren’t you happy?

Smart people are able to figure these things out, so figure it out.

Thanks @naval for this lesson.
2. Rise up early.

The world is lazy and unmotivated.

It’s easy to compete with them if you’re up before them.

An extra hour of your life is worth more when you’re 30 than when you’re 80.

It pays off to cut on sleep when you’re young!
3. Remember that Great is just good repeated over and over again.

Consistency beats talent when talent isn’t consistent.

You have to rub the lamp consistently if you want your wish to come true.
4. Learn to use leverage.

Those who use the tools are their disposal outperform the rest.

Learn to use the technology available in your field.

Your life is cheap because you think investing in yourself is expensive.
5. Define a big goal for your life - make it explicit, it will serve as your north star.

Write it down in detail on a piece of paper and look at it often to remind yourself why you’re doing all of this.

People who write down goals are 40% more likely to achieve them.
6. The Worst position to find yourself in is:

no time + no money

The person who has time can always choose to trade it for money.

Once you have money, you can begin choosing it to trade it for time.

Learn this arbitrage and you’ll win at life.
7. There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.

Focus on doing what you do and do it consistently better. It takes 10,000 hours to master anything.

See where this road leads before you move on to a new one.
8. If you’re lacking purpose, know that the purpose is to grow.

Growing allows you to understand, see, enjoy and explore more.
9. Stop acting richer than you are!

Stop trying to impress people. Impress yourself!

Stop buying products marketed to you. Flexing is just showing others how much money you can afford to waste. It’s actually a waste of time.

You want to win at life, not in your circle.
10. You can’t change the people around you but you can change the people around you!
Those are 10 Life 'Cheat Codes' That will lead to more peace, happiness, and success

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