What can drop latency by up to 50%?

Connection pooling.

Here’s how it works:
Connection pooling is a technique that reuses connections to stop them from being repeatedly opened and closed.

The connection can be to anything, such as a database or external resources.
When a connection pool is created, a set number of connections is made available to a specific resource.

Rather than creating a new connection, the pool provides an existing and available connection to every request that comes in.
When the requester has finished using the connection, it returns it to the pool.

The pool keeps the connection active and ready for the next request.

The pool monitors the health & status of each connection.

When a connection fails, it is replaced with a new connection.
To prevent overloading resources, the pool makes sure that no more than the set number of connections is available.

Benefits of connection pooling:

🔹 Improve performance

🔹 Boost scalability

🔹 Minimize resource overhead

🔹 Simplifies connection management
So, how do you implement it?

There are a lot of out-of-the-box options built into database drivers and PaaS providers.

Libraries can be used, such as psycopg2.pool for Python and Sequelize for Node.js.

Even frameworks like Django or SQLAlchemy have connection pooling built-in.
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