If u want to make generational wealth in the next bull cycle, read this πŸ‘‡

I have found one of the easiest ways to do it using @pendle_fi

Mini🧡 ⬇️
I have gathered key on-chain metrics and strategies to multiply your income with Pendle.

Even gathered data with @DuneAnalytics, let's go πŸ„β€β™‚οΈ
Firstly we will dive into the key Pendle metrics and protocol development to find those opportunities πŸ‘€
While the TVL in most protocols has experienced a slight decrease over the past month, Pendle is defying this trend by going in the complete opposite direction.
The TVL growth on Pendle was insane in the last couple of months and even reached its ATH on 7th May at a whopping $65.89M
The on-chain data is not lying too πŸͺ„

We are seeing a massive surge in holders over the last couple of months starting in Feb 2023
The Arbitrum expansion has been a massive success, with gaining nearly 3/4 of holders on Ethereum and significant TVL growth, reaching $26.49M as of May 14th.
The price isn't falling back either

The recent price surge during the past weekend was fueled by the new pool launch and individuals realizing what they were missing out on πŸ’Ž
Now we can focus on those magic strategies I was talking about πŸͺ„

Everyone will find something for themselves as Pendle offers a huge variety of instruments for Pros (me) and simple users (@crypto_linn)
1️⃣ Just buy a discounted asset

If u are a strong $ETH believer as we all are, just go and grab it with a discount.

Pendle allows u to trade assets and their yield separately so u could just grab the asset and get the yield discount πŸ‘Ύ
2️⃣ As a PRO user u can go a little bit further

U could add liquidity to one of the pools to provide liquidity for people who are swapping PT (asset without yield) with SY (wrapped asset) and get some Juicy APY πŸ§ƒ

You might be wondering what role $PENDLE plays in the entire ecosystem. It genuinely enhances your life.

It increases your APY, shares protocol revenue with you, and you can even vote using it for the pools you're most interested in.
That's a wrap

Hope u liked this short but informative thread on @pendle_fi and feel free to scream "PEENDLEE" all over CT. The degens must degen 🦍
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