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"I can't be what she needs me to be." - Luke
"Heeded my words not, did you? Pass on what you have learned...strength, mastery, but weakness, folly, failure, most of all. The greatest teacher failure is... We are what they grow beyond. That is the true burden of all masters." - Yoda

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"Still looking to the horizon, never here, now, hmm..The need in front of your nose." - Yoda

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"I saw darkness. I sensed it building in him. I'd seen it in moments during his training. But then I looked inside, and it was beyond what I ever imagined. Snoke had already turned his heart. He would bring destruction, pain, death, and the end of everything I love because of what he will become. And for the briefest moment of pure instinct, I thought I could stop it. It passed like a fleeting shadow. And I was left with shame and with consequence. And the last thing I saw were the eyes of a frightened boy whose master had failed him." - Luke Skywalker

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"That’s how we’re going to win. Not fighting what we hate. Saving what we love.”- Rose Tico, The Last Jedi

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"I've given everything I have to you." - Kylo Ren
"You're just a child in a mask." - Snoke