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"If you look at [Trump's] attacks on the judiciary, the attacks on the court system, the threats of violence, the fact that jurrors sitting in his criminal trials and his civil trials have had to have their identies protected, they're anonymous, and the judge warning the jurors on the Carol case order the jurors not to reveal who else was on those juries.... those are the kinds of things that would normally happen if you were dealing with a mob trial."

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"Far more people around the country want responsible leadership and don't want the extremes on either side that we're seeing now. They want seriousness in dealing with the issues that we're facing. And that begins to look more and more like a third party." - Liz Cheney

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"One of the things Trump has done is tap into a very real sense that millions of Americans have had, which is that their government doesn't listen to them. He betrays them and lies to them and has convinced them that he's the solution...
He's the first American president who does not have a fundamental reverence for our founding principles and documents... if we look back at what the framers said about the kinds of people, they knew we would have to protect against, they're accurately describing Donald Trump in a number of instances. So they understood the threat.
Part of what's suprising is that we have not faced the threat earlier."

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"As people look at the question of Donald Trump and a second term, the notion that somehow he will not present that grave of threat because of the checks and balances is obviously false if you look at the fact that congress won't stand up to Trump and he's not even the nominee of the party formally. So the idea that we don't have to worry about his authoritarian tendencies in a second term because we have congress is completely false." - Liz Cheney

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"[Social conformity to Donald Trump] is what's happening within the Republican party, it's not a description of what's happening within the electorate as a whole. When we see 30% of Republicans in New Hampshiore saying they'll never vote for Donald Trump, there are hopeful signs for those of us who believe in the constitution, that ultimately, the general electorate will get this right and not re-elect Donald Trump."

- Curated in Liz Cheney Interviews

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"In a much larger number of Republicans, who began to decide for a variety of reasons, whether it was their own political survival or fears of safety, for convenience... said we need to ignore Trump. If we ignore him, he'll go away. A lot elected officials comforted themselves and said, we're not going to stand up agains this because it'll go away if we don't. It gave space for voters across the country to say, "well if our leaders are not speaking out against this, then it must not be so bad." I grew up in Republican politics and have known many of these people for decades. I really did believe if it ever came down to it, you know... when the chips were down, the people would do the right thing. Those people who are enabling this are just as accountable as the former president because he can't succeed without them." - Liz Cheney