7 phrases smart people don't say: 🧵
"This is the way we've always done it."

So what?

Does that mean it can't be improved?

Whatever "it" is, there are always aspects that can be made more clear, efficient, and simple.

At best, it makes you sound lazy.

At worst, you'll be left behind.

Ideate, innovate, repeat.
"That's not in my job description"

No one ever got ahead by doing the bare minimum.

Yes –– maybe the task you've been asked to complete isn't technically part of your role.

Do it anyway.

Recognition may not come as soon as you would like, but it will come.

If not, move on.
"That's not fair"

No kidding.

I hate to break it to you, but that's the way life goes sometimes.

Instead of letting your emotions get the best of you when things don't go your way, try this:

Ask ––

What did I miss?

What went wrong?

What could I have done differently?
"I can't"

Saying you "can't" often ends up sounding more like you "won't."

The next time you're tasked with something you aren't sure how to do, say this instead.

"I can, but I might need some help."

Be willing to try.

Admit when you need help.

Push through difficult tasks.
"This has to be perfect"

No it doesn't.

Perfection is the enemy of progress.

Don't become so buried in the details that you fail to move forward at all.

To err is human.

You can't catch every mistake, you'll never get everything right.

Just. Keep. Moving.
"Oh really? Well I did _____"

We all know this person...

The "one-upper."

No matter what you say, what you do, or what you accomplish they always chime in with something just a little bit better.

Don't be that guy.

Celebrate others' achievements without inserting your own.
"I told you so"

What a waste of words.

I can't think of a single constructive aspect of using this phrase.

Not only does it make you sound arrogant and petty, it literally adds nothing to a conversation.

Avoid this one at all costs.
That's all for today...

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