2022 will be a big year in criminal justice policy - DA recall in SF, new Mayor & DA in NYC, midterms in Nov.

I’ve been working on this issue for years @InstituteCicero & backing orgs like @Recidiviz.

Let's talk about real solutions that address systemic issues in our society.
@InstituteCicero @recidiviz Some academics and policymakers think that we can engineer perfection. In criminal justice, that’s just not the case; there is no utopian solution, especially not through jailbreak.

But we *can* align incentives to help systemic change arise organically.
@InstituteCicero @recidiviz I founded @InstituteCicero to focus on this type of policy innovation. Not top-down decrees, but change that starts bottom-up.

The recipe of incentives, accountability, & transparency enables innovation everywhere: red states, blue states, and in criminal justice + public safety
@InstituteCicero @recidiviz Where are incentives + accountability failing?

Probation and parole violations make up almost HALF the state prison admissions in the USA, hundreds of thousands of people. It’s a major part of our crime-prison problem, and these organizations' cultures have to be fixed by states
@InstituteCicero @recidiviz Luckily, states can innovate on parole & probation. Two major issues are data and incentives. States can build a system to track results and use them to reward probation/parole departments and prisons that achieve better rehabilitative outcomes. It works.
@InstituteCicero @recidiviz Data is key. I was an early backer of @Recividiz, which is building a data platform to help dept's see what’s actually working.

Arcane systems using 70s tech aren’t effective, but using modern tools can make systems more effective, fair, and transparent.
@InstituteCicero @recidiviz Incentives matter. Last year, @InstituteCicero helped revive a program in AZ that financially rewards probation departments for helping people re-enter society and stay out of trouble. Policies like this create virtuous cycles and produce systemic change.
@InstituteCicero @recidiviz When the Arizona incentive program started years ago, the number of people failing probation in the state dropped by nearly one-third.

We expect a similar result this time around, and are excited to positively impact thousands of lives. Other states have found similar success.
@InstituteCicero @recidiviz If all 50 states adopted the AZ policy, over 250k Americans would be out of the crime-prison cycle in the next 10 years alone, living their lives. We would also save $1 billion in public money during those years.
@InstituteCicero @recidiviz We're working on these issues and others @InsituteCicero. Criminal justice + public safety, homelessness, healthcare, etc. All can be improved with incentives, transparency, accountability - powered by data.

Reach out to us if you want to get involved and make a difference.
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