It appears that many of the rockers of the 60s and 70s had no interest in preserving the freedom of speech:
they were tools of the concepts of repressive tolerance and critical theory - cultural deconstruction machines.
Joe Rogan stands in the way of their final moment of victory
When I say @joerogan "stands in the way" I would say that Joe represents a liberal tolerance that was necessary for the United States to exist: the practice of negative tolerance in a nation of diverse theological and ideological beliefs.
And this negative tolerance allowed us to participate in engaging debate - debate that I have made as a cornerstone of my adult life. To engage, respectfully, in the pursuit of objective truth.
But Neil Young and others were apparently pupils of Marcuse - embracing repressive or "liberating" tolerance where Herbert Marcuse would say:
“Liberating tolerance, then, would mean intolerance against movements from the Right and toleration of movements from the Left."
So the "liberating" left doesn't want tolerance of conservative Christians or classically liberal talk show hosts - that is - unless they ideologically gain control over those in Christianity and talk shows - and infuse them with radical subjectivism and CRT.
So in the radical practice of "repressive tolerance" seeks to "repress" those ideologies that stand against the goals of the "liberating" revolution - regardless if their views are objectively true.
Because it is no longer important to know what is true: what is "true" is what leads to operational success, which in this case is the final revolution or "great reset" into the 4th Industrial Revolution.

And anything that stands in the way will be "cancelled"
So in the eyes of Neil Young or any of the radical revolutionaries, Joe Rogan is as dangerous as Martin Luther was to the Pope because Rogan wants to *listen to* and debate with everyone. And this cannot be tolerated in an age of a totalitarian ideological revolution.
And just as this is happening in the wider culture, the same game is being played in Christianity - attempting to silence those that refused to lock down, who refused to bow their knees to CRT and who refused to join in with the supranational mob to deconstruct our nation.
And then we come full circle: understanding that Neil Young and Joni Mitchell are Neo-Marxist Puritans. Puritans of the new radical subjective Marxism that demands that we all believe *one truth* and *one solution* to the crisis that they themselves have created.
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