Kinda too much going on for continuing photo walk of Lima. I gather I am staying in a pretty working class hood and the dogs kept me up all night and i need coffee & I am used to 15 degrees not 75. Still. I am happy
With all the journalists rushing off to Ukraine & poland, I got the Peruvian Supreme Court covered. Boots on the ground! Well. Sandals. And I don’t know law and I don’t speak Spanish. But otherwise
Oooh. Gonna get some of that Peruvian ceviche everyone talks about
Mall Food courts are the same globally
Found the old school printing district. Really does smell like 3rd grade social studies class
This dog scratched and scratched at the door, eventually it worked

Bored Policia, just in case
Choosing the one that looks weirdest, because why not
Ok. I win. Chicken soup for the soulless, & canche (Peruvian corn nuts. The real deal)
It is really really really good. Not just any chicken soup. Amazing flavors. And only $4 (with coffee)
Ps: That is not a bell pepper. Holy crap is it hot. Like. Holy holy crap
Peru seems to worship some weird small religion
Really weird. More riot police than tourist downtown. Quito’s main plaza was always packed & Alive. This is barricaded and sterile
Apparently Lima is under a state of emergency to combat “organized crime.” Result is there are riot police everywhere. Not sure what is full story.
Lima has a river (a very fast moving one) and a very colorful hill.
Ok. This gato wins the day
Bat mobile
I hope the dog is found and I hope whatever turned them Blue is solved
Distancia social!
Cool hood
Eight people stopped me to tell me to be careful. But only drama so far is this stuck cat
Cool hood part 2
The woman selling perfume at this bus stop has a tiny puppy with her. And tiny kids who are also selling boxes of perfume
There is a lot going on here

And here

Break time
Design me a building that screams bureaucracy
Am in love with this building
Only video can capture the choreography chaos

Watching a soccer match
Dude is both camo-Ed and fortified. Natural warrior
It is only the ice cream machine. But that is always broken. So….
My waitress brought me a giant bowl of chancha cause I was wolfing down the street thimble size servings. Greedy Americans
Cancha. Cancha. Cancha. Cancha. Learn phone. Learn.
Good wall.
Two tiny soccer pitches in the middle of the chaos. With an equally important bar next to it
My Lima bar tonight
"The Lonely life of a Lima Popcorn Man"
Just needs a little work
Indeed mr dog
My coffee (cold, pour into cup of hot milk). It is good
Coffee in local chicharroneria is nice, sweet neighborhood scenes. But could really do without the drama/tension of watching a toddle & her dog playing in & around, and leaning out from, a 3rd floor open window. The mom doesn’t seem to mind.
Pig happy to eat their mom
Strong cable management
Ps: Lima reminds me, this is the best chain store coffee by far. Sorry McDonald’s, not sorry Dunkin.
Checking off “go to Peru, see Machu Picchu” from bucket list
Lol the frustration of drivers. Ps: in Lima you honk your horn all the time. For anything it seems. Like, when happy, frustrated, or whatever. Just honk

Old US trucks is a thing.
I wanna hug senor hielo. Covid or not
Jesus and construction
Lunch break.
Talk about a strong wire management game
I like
Bet they don’t have these in US.
Literally took me (and others) 15 minutes to cross a road. And it wasn’t like it was a weird thing to want to do. Lima must be worst pedestrian city I walked yet. And I have walked lots of car intense places.
Lol. Now it makes complete sense. Neighborhood across the street is upscale, comparatively. Rich want their fence, one way or another
It is so lush & green here. Just look at those giant trees
A feral Panera spotted in its natural setting
Found this weird lake.
Never forget, Vasco Núùez de Balboa killed, and died, so you could Instagram.
Mixed messaging
Amazing views/geography
Like Vatican got Lord of Rings envy
Given how this town smells, campaign is not working
I firmly on team Pilsen
Hot days rapidly turn cool at night.

Hugo Chavez out on the pitch
(Insert Star Wars Joke since I don't know anything about Star Wars)
Jesus and gato
I walked 24 miles across Lima yesterday. This yellow sticker on bottom left was everywhere
This went on across from my bedroom till well past 2am. And this was a quiet moment. Honestly, I didn’t mind, much, Before sleep I went across to check it out. But not my scene

Girls just wanna have fun

There are stands for everything in Lima. This is my current fav
Oh no Raul
Might wanna revamp their marketing
If you know what goes on in here…
My first car was a Datsun. (510)
Urban dog. Urban dog. Come on.
National stadium is a pretty heavy
Massive teen dance off going down

My Lima bar is packed tonight
For those Lima fans following along, my planned walk tomorrow (after mass)
Hotel California is why neo-Libs won

Oh no Pancho!
Much of American’s notion of another countries cuisine is kinda like thinking every American eats at Manhattan Michelin restaurant when it is closer to everyone eating at Applebee’s
Sometimes you do find a quiet street, but mostly it is all cars, motorcycles, busses, and horns
Some strong laundry game on those porches
Lima vibes....
Not sure what is supposed to be going on here, but I like it
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