Last year, $30B+ was invested into crypto/Web3 startups by VCs alone.

But there are only around 18000 Web3 developers right now.

Learn how to become a Web3 developer - free of charge:
0/ Before you jump in

Basic competency in JavaScript & Web Development is still a must.

If you are not familiar with any of these, then it's best to take a step back and polish up your web development skills first.

There are many online classes and tutorials out there.
1-1/ Learn about Blockchain basics.

You have to understand what you're working with.

Blockchain is an emergent technology and it's not trivial to learn.

You're going to have to spend some time understanding what you're going to build down the road.

A good place to start is Udemy’s free blockchain tutorial

This course will help you understand the basics and potential applications of blockchain technology.

For those who want to take this one step further, edX’s Blockchain Technology course teaches how blockchain will power the economy of tomorrow.

Both courses can work as a basis for you to get a general idea of blockchain technology.
2-1/ Learn about Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are the way you program blockchains.

They are code extended into the string, written in a language that blockchain nodes can execute.

Smart contracts will constitute a majority of your future work, therefore it's best to have a level of understanding.

Coursera has a good introductory course on Smart contracts,
3-1/ Learn how to interact with blockchains.

Decentralized applications are made up of two components:

1. Your frontend
2. smart contracts

For your frontend to talk to the blockchain, you'll need to interface with it.

This is where libraries come into play.

There are two common library options for interacting with blockchains that implement Ethereum APIs:

🔹 Ethers.js
🔹 Web3.js

Ethers.js :
🔹Smaller in size (322 kb uncompressed)
🔹Well tested
🔹Well documented
🔹MIT licensed

🔹Larger in size (7.28 MB unpacked)
🔹More popular
🔹clusters of code
🔹LGLv3 licensed
🔹Developed & maintained by Ethereum Foundation

Both Ethers.js & Web3.js have their pros and cons.

Choose one to learn and learn it right.

That's one of your most important tools from this point forward.
4-1/ Learn Solidity

Many blockchains exist & they all come with their own way of building smart contracts.

Solidity, however, is the language of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EMV) that is embedded in many other blockchains.

Solidity won't only help you on Ethereum.

It also helps you to create smart contracts on other chains.

The job market of Solidity developers is by far the biggest.

Many companies are building or would like to build on top of Ethereum.

It could take a while until another blockchain reaches the same level of adoption as Ethereum.

Although Ethereum currently has a few problems (the chain is overloaded), the community is actively working on migrating over to Proof-of-Stake (Pos).

Once Ethereum migrates to PoS, the scaling issues should disappear and the rate of adoption increase.

Until that time, layer 2 solutions contribute to the chain scale, so you don't have to worry about your work and your choice.

The important thing you need to understand is how gas works and how each line of code you write into Solidity affects the price of executing your smart contract.

There's nothing to get around this for now.

If you want to work in this area, you will need to learn how to optimize your code.

It will be part of your job and a majority of some interviews.

With code optimization, one can save millions of dollars each year for a heavily used app or contract.

To learn Solidity, check out Crypto Zombies.

You learn while playing a game, and earn collectibles that you can pit against others which is pretty great.
5-1/ Create Your Portfolio

A portfolio of projects can give you a boost in your job search.

If you want to work in this field, build, create and construct.

To provide you with an approximate idea of content of a project:

🔸 A frontend

🔸 A smart contract

🔸 Some (solidity)code optimization (Robustness) with comments on why.

🔸 Unit tests for everything

🔸 A local test network configuration.

(Continued from above)

🔸 E2E tests the contract in detail.

🔸 Continuous Integration

🔸 Continuous Deployment

🔸 An official test net deployment
6-1/Apply for the job

With new knowledge and a portfolio, you can begin to look for a job.

Some businesses only hire more experienced talent.

So if your job application gets rejected, don't feel discouraged as it's a lengthy process.

Build resilience and remember #WAGMI

To get the ball rolling, here are a few places to start your job search:

And there you have it, a starter roadmap for developers looking to go into the web3 space.

Hope you found this thread useful to kickstart your journey!
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1. Follow me @kazsatamai & @withmattkim for more web3 & design insights and principles.

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Misha @MishadaVinci · Mar 7, 2022
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This is great!