OtherFaces by @mikeywoodbridge has finally been restored to OS.

Allow me to articulate the beauty & power of this collection ๐Ÿงต๐Ÿ‘‡
1/ Mikey is one of the most genuine artists I've ever encountered. OtherFaces bridge a decade of creation to his future in web3.

In a unique approach to generative art & photography, Mikey translates his presence in the energetic/quantum realm into the realm of blockchain... ๐Ÿ‘‡
Mikey has collaborated w/ @rihanna in fashion, @depechemode in film, @TheBasementJaxx in music, @SinkThePinkLDN in drag @BoyHarsher in choreography & recently w/ @brtmoments in NFT Art Berlin

OtherFaces have already found resonance with major artists in the NFT space such as ๐Ÿ‘‡
the CryptoArtist @VanArman, who added OtherFace #023 to the Permanent Collection of his META Gallery

the @QuantumNFT photographer @klea_mckenna who collected #056 in resonance with her explorations of "the residue of the body and the marks it makes on the world" ๐Ÿ‘‡
the generative artist & painter @ClaireSilver12, who collected #004, noting its importance as a statement on digital identity

the digital art museum @MuseumOfQueer, who collected #026 to represent OtherFaces' significance in the sphere of queer web3 culture

at NFT Art Berlin, @brtmoments showed the world Mikey's natural power in bridging the NFT space with live IRL experience. Every person who minted a CryptoBerliner encountered Mikey in the control room at Kraftwerk.

Mikey's work has also been...
curated by @theAngieTaylor in her Graffiti Queers exhibition

& it will appear in the upcoming edition of @fomamag curated by @ROBNESSOFFICIAL, @SaschaBailey, @TroyFitzpatric & @Reviiser

Mikey is a primordial portal-opener & an essential presence among the living as we cross...
over into a new epoch of consciousness. There are certain individuals who are like keys to the gateway of transformation, avatars who are on this Earth to guide us toward being anOther, and Mikey is one.

OtherFaces expands the ambit of generative art into the biochemical...
algorithms of the body, using a training data set made up of trance, sweat, fatigue, dimethyltryptamine, communal connection, sex, music & fashion.

Tokenized photographs of artfully generated bodily residue express the potential of photography on blockchain.

This is...
Mikey's core collection, designed to connect with all of his future work in web3, where he is committed to building the fundaments of this transformative culture.

The I shall become anOther.
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