A thread on why I am flattered to receive a generous 2000 xtz offer on Signal Vs. Noise by @Xer0x, but will not be taking it.

1/x I learned of Xer0x through a mutual friend and it is one of the relationships that I am most grateful of. Of all the amazing qualities of Xer0x, my absolute favorite is that Xer0x is a straight shooter, they call it how they see it. It is unbelievably refreshing to know...
2/x someone like that in this space, when you can easily be grifted into buying the next hype cycle or end up supporting what you actually do not believe in. Which is why I think Signal Vs. Noise is such a great representation of at worst my lived NFT experience as a collector.
3/x Signal Vs. Noise is simply every lived second as a collector when evaluating a piece. Is this piece good? Is it original? What is it saying? How hard was it to make? How hard was it to conceive? Was it executed in the right manner? What are current market's expectations on...
4/x this kind of work etc. There are endless things one could ask, but asking them is critical. I often find myself in this everlasting loop of consuming nfts and it is this odd combination of joy, obsession and necessity. If I do not stop myself every now & then and ask...
5/x whether what I am evaluating is a real signal or not, then I do not get better and savvier as a collector. Metaphorically speaking, I also find it especially funny as you now have to answer that question about Xer0x himself. Signal or Noise?
6/x At first, it was natural to think it is just noise. The piece is essentially a pathetic attempt to induce epilepsy from a purely aesthetic point of view at best. If you tasked someone to replicate it, it would take less than 5 minutes to achieve.
7/x This oxymoron and many other subliminal messages within Xer0x's work is where I realized that Xer0x could have an absolute field day as a conceptual artist, especially because of their deep understanding of NFT culture.
8/x A big part of NFT culture is gamification and utility. It is quite often expected when it ought not to be and criticized when executed "too well," and personified as glorified gambling, which it can be. However, if you can make great Art and Gamify, then the world can be...
9/x your oysters in NFTs. An immediate example of this is @dmitricherniak who probably does it better than any other artist, whether it is naming a literal piece, "The Eternal Pump," or making collectors chose whether it is about the art itself (In the case of the Wrapture
10/x issuance/non-issuance, etc.) I appreciate it, because it forces you to think about the context that you are viewing NFT Art in. No longer, are you left-clicking buy on metamask/temple but you're making a thoughtful decision in what you support, culturally and financially.
11/x When I think about Royalty by @Xer0x it makes me think of Cherniak's Dead Ringers, in that a central point of the piece was not about the artist making money, but an artist wanting to say something and have a point of view. Cherniak amazingly displayed that point of view...
12/x when all the proceeds of Dead Ringers went to feed the homeless in New York as well as the concept around the supply of it and initiation of the piece itself.
13/x Not too long after Signal vs. Noise, Xerox displayed his point of view in Royalty, where he made the piece about CCO and 0% royalties, mocking how artists...
14/x in some cases were almost going overboard with the rights they retained as well as royalties kept for themselves on secondary. (Imo) It is as if Xer0x wanted to completely turn the table and let the work, do the work. Which it clearly did, after numerous members in the...
15/x community started to make Royalty derivatives. And it didn't stop there. There were Royalty derivatives of a Royalty derivative of a Royalty Derivative. It has gotten so insane with the derivatives that there is a piece which you can actually see 25 previous derivatives. 25!
17/x the best part about this is that in this derivative the artist does not have to worry about copyright, since each derivative also falls under the same philosophy as the original Royalty did.
18/x Not too long after came "Trust," which could have broken records, but didn't and many other thought experiments which always brought up that question of "Signal vs. Noise."
19/x NFT space moves so fast that it is seldom, that you have a real chance to enjoy the work that you buy. I remember after annoying Xer0x for ages about buying Signal vs. Noise and the feeling after getting it. One that I still cherish to this day, that my exploration in all...
19/x of this should be one of curiosity, quality and enjoyment above all else. To that, Salut @Xer0x_NFT
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