Last Friday I was supposed to select 10 random
"(kinder)Garden, Monuments" for a plotter drawing giveaway.
"Draw" was a random number generator, but also an interesting experiment.
It was a FxHash project so I had to wait until Sunday for platform opening hours. Acting secretly was the only way to conduct the experience, although the 3 hours of quarantine were enough for the few who were aware of my alt wallet to prepare, while wisely keeping it silent.
The GENTK minted out instantly, and the reveals led to a wide range of reactions on the Discord and more speculation about the utility of the token. The comprehension that gas was paid to offer someone else a drawing ended up either funny or deceptive.
As an interesting result of the experiment, I got kindly DMed by a FxHash moderator that my token might infringe the policy for it was falling into the gambling genre. Working with alt wallets can be borderline, so I had made sure beforehand that i could rightfully mint.
Waking up the next morning, I found that a secondary sale had happened on Draw. The confused buyer in DM had mixed feelings, which I soothed and advised to give it time.
Then this video surfaced on the price-discussion channel, which I find rather... didactic.

Ultimately, the Draw token revealed the reason why it was embedding the whole original kGM code (Thanks @MARQ528 for noticing) The mini-kGM has the exact same features as the kGM it's pointing at, with intended graphical differences.

Besides its initial function (RNG here), the "Draw" experience questions the value attached to an NFT, which fluctuates depending on the signature, the artistic intent, the speculation of utility, the pure visual appreciation or the social experience itself.
Special thanks to @Yazid of course, to @Cubezos, @metacaffeine and all minters, @RokaDGen & @MARQ528 for the trust, to the author of the Risitas meme, to @nicthibs for liking the art in the code, and everyone for all the fun in the Discord.
One last tweet
Out of the 10 "(kinder)Garden, Monuments" that were drawn, only 4 plotters have been claimed.
The current owners of 155,282,141,148,35,275 can reserve through the print store at The gifts will stay attached to the kGMs anyway.
Have a dice day fam ! ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ™
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