🧵Male loneliness & the single/div male conundrum:
"men's biggest problem is communication–lifeblood of healthy, long-term love. While u dont need 2 B in relationship to be happy, men typically are happier & healthier when partnered"
Ive dated single/divorced men who live in family-oriented suburbs to stay close to their kids/family & often ask if they have friends in the area. Few have close friends. Some "lost" married buddies to ex's side. Most say hard to find/make new friends.
In my book OTHERHOOD, @EricKlinenberg says women are better at developing/maintaining social networks.
On avg, girls are better communicators. Look at typical female/male text exchange & notice women's texts bubbles are MUCH larger & there are more of them
And as much as some modern men focus on their physical health, we've done little to support developing male emotional and social health. Yet adult friendships & an active social life are strong indicators of longer, healthier life.
Yet, society makes it harder for men to develop male friendships.
"Men's groups," where men feel comfortable sharing/communicating, are irrationally seen as toxic or a threat to women.
male loneliness is what's toxic.
Women should encourage their male mates and friends to develop stronger ties with friends in & out of their shared networks. Couples/marrieds should invite their single buddies out with them, even if it ruins the couples dynamic.
I'm not saying men need to be more like women. But developing & encouraging ways for boys & men to develop stronger social networks = healthier society for both women & men.
#TIP: Listen to Ep 511 of @ChrisWillx's podw/ @maxdickins, author Billy No-Mates
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