broke: relying on opaque Twitter algorithm to find new people to follow

bespoke: directly perusing follower graph of interesting people to find new people to follow
Basic methodology: grab followers with Twitter API, import into Gephi, filter out accounts with >100k followers, compute "Modularity", color code based on modularity, size nodes based on in-degree, layout with ForceAtlas2.
It's fun to play "identify the communities". Any help in the ones I can't identify or mess up are appreciated. Suggestions for accounts to do next are welcome. PM me if you want any of the Gephi files.

Big fish: @michael_nielsen @vgr @worrydream @andy_matuschak @KevinSimler @devonzuegel

brown: rationalists
green: 'softer' rationalists more interested in meditation?
orange: productivity entrepreneurs?
@Conaw @michael_nielsen @vgr @worrydream @andy_matuschak @KevinSimler @devonzuegel purple: clojure(script)
blue: startup culture???
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