Spent some time in the @accelerateart space with @ClaireSilver12, @DeezeFi, and some lady that said "vibes" a lot about Curation and wanted to start a thread.

A take on Curation from a race car driver. 👇
Curation is the process of selecting and distributing content. In fact, curation may be thought of as a special case of selection: in this context, the things being selected are ideas or topics for distribution.
The goal is to provide information that has value or interest to a specific audience.

So curation might be defined quite simply as an act of filtering by someone with particular authority.
Although this definition is interesting, it does not seem to capture the essence of curation. In particular, it seems that we can do better by thinking about what curators actually want to achieve when they are performing their task.
First, curation involves an act of filtering. To perform this task, the curator must have some set of criteria that they use to decide whether a piece is appropriate for inclusion.
Second, when we think about what curators actually do in practice it becomes clear that there are many different ways in which curators can filter.
The key question, then, is what these criteria actually are. At first glance, it may seem obvious that the goals of curating should be to make people happy or satisfied with their selection.
It may seem that we should just filter the topics and ideas so as to produce a selection of items that provide satisfaction. In this view, people are assumed to have an objective function over their experiences in which they try to maximize happiness or some other subjectivestate
In this context, curation is nothing more than a special case of selection (a filter).

There are several important problems with trying to define curation in terms of providing people with satisfaction.
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