7 steps to build a landing page that converts:
Nail Your Title

80% of your site visitors only read your title.

Make your headline:

• Clear not clever
• Short and eye-catching
• Address your customer's biggest objection
Write With Conviction

The truth: most products aren't unique.

Your page needs to add "oomph" to your product.

Be THE definitive solution for your customer.
Sell Outcomes in Your Subtitle

Site visitors aren't browsing for features.

They're searching for a solution to a deep problem they have.

Show them what success looks like:

• Start with a strong verb
• Make a claim of success
• Talk directly to your target audience
Keep Your Visuals Simple and Clear

Avoid: Demos with too much text and visuals


• Show your product in action
• Show people using it
• Show scrolling demos
Use Social Proof That Builds Trust

Social proof is your best antidote to any buying jitters.

Show readers other people going through the same transformation.

"The five most dangerous words in business are: 'Everybody else is doing it.'" - Warren Buffett
Create Compelling CTAs

Your users need to be motivated to take the next step.

Be clear on the value they receive by proceeding:

"Join" → "Start your website"

"Get started" → "Design your first HTML email now"
Match Your Product Features With Your Promises

Your subtitle content should make readers realize your concrete value:

• Promise: "Podcasts that look and sound amazing."
• Value: "Local recordings in 4k video quality"
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