Thread by sonso.eth
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- Dec 11, 2022
- #ArtificialIntelligence #DigitalArt
There is a lot of AI art out there right now. How to think about what to collect. Here is the questions I ask myself for determining what to collect:
1. Is the artist someone that was using AI prior to the explosion of dall-e, midjourney, etc? I think early work will be seen as pioneering. So this would include folks like @NeuralBricolage @quasimondo @soficrespo91 @dribnet @videodrome @genekogan @memotv
2. Does the artist use their own data set to train their GAN? Training your own dataset allows for the voice of the artist to be more thoroughly expressed. Because they are dictating the inputs as well as the outputs. This would include art by folks like @ivonatau and @deviparikh
3. If folks are using dall-e or midjourney, does the artist have a particular style that is indicative of a cohesive body of work and storytelling. This to me becomes something akin to good poetry. Painting with words. This would include folks like @Str4ngeThing @karan4d etc.
4. It is so easy to now make pleasing images using AI, as collectors we need to be discerning. Low effort AI art will be seen a little like junk food, pleasing in the moment but free of any nutrition. So be mindful when shopping for AI art, there is lots of great work out there.