You can get a business started with a few hours of work and very little money.

Here's how:

1. Create a Gumroad account.

2. Build your workspace in Notion. Sell it as a template on Gumroad.

3. Use Copy(.)ai to help you write. Start crafting offers.

4. Sign up for Canva (free or pro), and start creating graphics to bring visuals to you offers.

Check out these shortcuts @SachinRamje shares:

@SachinRamje 5. Publish a free newsletter on substack and start talking about your niche.

My friends @LBacaj & @chr_iswong run a cohort called Newsletter Launchpad.

It starts later today with only 2 spots left.
@SachinRamje @LBacaj @chr_iswong 6. Generate calls with Calendly.

Use it to book:

- discovery calls
- introduction calls
- 1:1 coaching sessions
@SachinRamje @LBacaj @chr_iswong 7. Use social media to build your audience.

- publish your offers on Twitter
- post your graphics on Instagram
- build connections on LinkedIn

Create a content matrix and calendar to publish consistently.
@SachinRamje @LBacaj @chr_iswong This can all get started in a weekend.

Figure out:

- what you know
- how you learned it
- who else wants to know this
- how you're going to reach those people

and you're on your way.
@SachinRamje @LBacaj @chr_iswong If you learned something from this thread, please:

1. Follow @TheDannyNaz

2. RT the first tweet

I will teach you how to become a better writer, content creator, & brand strategist.
@SachinRamje @LBacaj @chr_iswong If you enjoyed this thread, youโ€™d love my newsletter.

Sign up today ๐Ÿค
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