5 pressure-packed lies parents believe - and the truths that can help set you free:
I have a mentor who says:

"Pressure kills everything it touches."

Including parenting.

Parenting is already a tough job.

Putting unnecessary pressure on yourself (and your kids) only makes it harder.

If you want some relief from it,

Break free from these 5 lies:
Lie: I have to get this right.

When I was a young parent, I felt so much pressure to get things right.

Every mistake was magnified in my mind.

It felt like each decision I made and action I took would be life-defining for my kids.

The pressure to get it right was immense.
Truth: There's no "getting it right."

Parenting is a long journey in failure.

No matter how hard you try, how thoughtful or intentional you are,

You're going to fail with your kids.

Over and over again.

If there's no "getting it right,"

You have permission to be imperfect.
Lie: My child is a reflection of me.

Every great lie has an element of truth.

Yes, your child is shaped by your parenting.

But many people feel the pull to find their own self-worth through their kids.

And their kids know it.

It breeds mutual resentment.
Truth: My child proves nothing about me (good or bad).

Saying that daily has rescued me.

Parenting is less about raising a child,

And more about your own journey into healing, maturity, and wholeness.

The true prize is your transformation,

Not other people's praise.
Lie: How my child turns out is up to me.

One of the easiest parenting traps to fall into is over-functioning.

It happens when we make all of our child's choices for them.

Fearing that they'll make a wrong move,

We make every move for them.

It's control masquerading as love.
Truth: How my child turns out is up to them.

20% of my children's lives will be lived under my roof.

The other 80% is up to them.

A parent's job, then, is to teach them how to make their own choices - and own them.

You start the story,

But they must choose how it ends.
Lie: It's my job to keep my kids safe.

There is no more primal drive for a parent than protecting your kids.

We live in a world that feels scary.

Danger lurks everywhere.

We feel pressure to shelter our kids from the big, bad world.

Which leads us into over-protection.
Truth: My kids are out of my control.

Of course you should keep your kids out of harm's way.

But believing you can create a safe world for them is an illusion.

Teach them to think critically about what they engage in,

So they can protect themselves in this big, bad world.
Lie: I have to shelter my kids from pain.

I can't stand to see my kids in pain.

Physically or emotionally.

I want to eliminate pain from their lives.

So, I try to shape a world where there's no disappointment, rejection, or failure.

And that's incredibly short-sighted.
Truth: Pain is life's greatest teacher.

Who I am today was forged in difficulty.

My character, values, and beliefs.

My confidence and commitment.

All of it came from painful experiences.

If you don't allow your kids to struggle,

You take away their opportunity to grow.
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