Exclusive footage from #Bakhmut. In collaboration with @guillaume_ptak, a correspondent for French newspaper Les Echos who went to the front and visited @SkalaBattalion. Their job is to identify and directly target Russian positions as well correct artillery fire.

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On 29-12 Guillaume and a group of journalists would meet the battalion to film their operations. While heading to Bakhmut they passed a Ukrainian T-72B. Approaching Bakhmut, artillery fire could be heard from a distance. The group drove into Bakhmut from the west near Ivanivske.

The road towards Bakhmut was calm but once they entered Bakhmut, outgoing artillery and MRLS fire could be heard. The further they progressed into the city, more destruction was visible. Most buildings are damaged, neighborhoods are full of trash. Local services stopped working.

Around 7500-12500 people still live in Bakhmut according to the firefighters they spoke to. Most of them live in basements, where there is no water, gas and electricity. Once into the city center, the outgoing and incoming artillery and small arms became more noticeable.

Once they arrived at the location, soldiers informed them that the building potentially could be hit. It created a tense feeling, but the building was solid enough and had basements. Then they joined the drone operators and got an insight into how they operate at the front.

They showed us how they observed Russian infantry on the eastern outskirts of the city, in the direction of Pokrovs'ke and passed on this information to the artillery crew. After they passed on information, a 2S7 Pion and later an AHS Krab directly fired on enemy positions.

Ukrainian soldier Leonid was flying the drone while Duke was coordinating with the artillery crew. According to Leonid, the soldiers they are facing are mostly from Wagner. In this video you see a direct artillery hit on Wagner positions just after coordinates were passed on.

After they stayed with them a couple of hours it was time to leave. Through the center they exited west. Again, the situation in the city felt tense and grim. Sometimes you see locals on their bikes carrying water or personal belongings but overall itโ€™s eerie quiet.

After they left Bakhmut another unit was visited. They talked to a Ukrainian soldier called Alexander. He said that they are grateful for the support from Ukraine's partners, as the artillery is working very well, however he says they do not have enough drones at the moment.

In general the mood is very good. The commander described the situation as difficult but under control. These men fighting there are absolute heroes and they won't give up.

This content was provided in collaboration with @guillaume_ptak, @francisjfarrell, @madeleinetkellyand and @PDocumentarians.

Also a special thanks goes out to @SkalaBattalion for giving an insight on their operations. This footage has been published with permission from Skala.
I have more footage that I couldn't include in this story but which I will upload later this week with some context. Much thanks to Guillaume specially.

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