Wrapped up w4 of my @Ultraspeaking cohort. One of the best courses I've taken. Transformational results in a short period of time. Able to apply the practices with near immediacy.

Highly recommend it for speaking, training, and just better conversations.

🧵 My notes follow
Recommended by @ghedamat, who is someone I trust more than anyone when it comes to personal development, I was highly intimidated by the challenge.

But I now feel much more confident in being able to deliver interesting speech with limited prep.
🗣🤔 One of the cores of the course: flipping the adage "Think before your speak" around to "Speak before you think".

Tons of practice/games help you just speak and focus on presentation more than content.

It's unsettling at first, but so good for being "put on the spot".
"Stay in character" 🎭

Folks don't recall your content as much as how you delivered it.

@toplocalranking says "People are meaning-making machines" 🧠

You're not responsible for meaning, the audience is. Don't worry about being transformational or having a moral to your story.
"The baseline of speaking is silence" 🤯

Use pauses for:

• emphasis
• re-establishing authority
• creating interest

I often hurry through things, thinking value is "how much can I delver"—forgetting about quality.
@MrSantoshSuresh teaches us "Don't compromise your emotions; you can still feel sadness at a 1 or a 10"

(1 or a 10 here being a level of energy you're bringing to your speaking)

I tend to be very monotone so the practice jumping between "levels" is impactful.
Another Santosh 💎: Practice "expansion and deletion of thoughts".

This idea that you can have a thought and "delete" it is quite novel. Wait until the right thought for the context arises—expand it—delete less relevant thoughts.
@Kenfont1983 suggests using "hot cognition" to create interest. Lead with speaking influencing the emotional states, rather than cold, fact-driven presentation. Ken's energy is something I aspire to achieve.
Coach Shelley Goldstein asks, "You've lived it...what did you miss?" with regard to story-telling. 🤯

What detail in the story-telling could you recount that adds color to the story? How can you lose yourself in the re-telling?
Finally, founder @Montebello left us with "nervousness gives you access to more of your abilities" (when asked "do you ever get nervous any more?"

So true! Can we reclassify nervous as excitement. Leverage it!

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