Things I'm doing at 43 to avoid regret when I'm 73:
1. Taking care of my health & body so I don't become a burden to myself or my family as I get older.

2. Making family #1. Work is work & family is life. I won't regret spending more time with my family but I might regret working too hard that I miss the ballet recital.
3. Reminding myself of my impending death. Life is fickle & can get taken away from you at any time. This is why I pursue my dreams without abandon.

4. Learning how to grieve. As I get older I will face the death of my loved ones. I must prepare myself & my family for this.
5. Creating a will to provide peace of mind & clear direction about my wishes to my loved ones.

6. Choosing happiness over bitterness. As people get older they get bitter due to their perceptions of life. I'll strive to look at every day as a gift & treat it as such.
7. Working on my strength, mobility, power, and cardio. These are the pillars of maintaining a fit body as I age.

8. Daily meditation & breath work. These are the pillars of controlling the mind & the nervous system.
9. Investing in my relationship with my wife. The grass is always greener where you water it.

10. Trusting my intuition. There's a voice inside all of us that gets drowned out the more you ignore it. I put trust in that voice & where it leads me.
11. Staying in touch with friends & creating community. The key to a long life is having good friends to share it with.

12. Stop worrying. Worrying is wasted energy that can erode your quality of life. I don't know enough to worry & it's an energy I can use to find solutions.
13. Have hard conversations. Much regret comes from not saying what needed to be said. Say what you need to say for your own peace of mind.

14. Getting to know my parents' history. Knowing where you came from & seeing their struggle makes you appreciate them even more.
15. Experiences over possessions. Status items are for impressing others. I'd rather invest in experiences because they make life amazing.

16. Choosing an environment that suits my family's personality. Life's too short to settle in a place just because you grew up there.
17. Running my own race. Too much mental energy is wasted looking at others & comparing my results to theirs. It's better to run my own race & compare myself to myself.

18. Don't take shit too seriously. This means letting more things slide & removing my ego from the equation.
19. Save & invest. I want to set my family up for when I pass away. Compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world. Take advantage of it.

20. Saying no more often. I only have so many fucks to give. I must say no things that don't matter to make way for things that do.
Living a good life is about minimizing regrets. I'm doing these in my middle age so I can avoid regret later on. Hope you enjoyed it.

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