#AiHands: a [very long] thread for a revolution

Hands drawn by AI. They are so ugly that become amazing. Initially I was skeptical about the creative use of AI, I perfectly understood its oblique uses (as everyone can see everyday), but I could clearly see its full potential.

Thanks to @ClaireSilver12, I started working on #StableDiffusion. I began working on what text-to-image AI cannot realistically generate: hands.
I thought, what if I made a work with hands at its core?
What if these ugly hands – which are in some way the stylistic signature of AI – are not a bug but a feature? The consistency of AI while drawing hands is unbelievable.
I published my first artwork on hands (Save Me) on Jan 23 on @objktcom, 10 editions, sold-out in a few days.
Apparently, that was the first (or one of the very first) artwork that openly declares its love for hands drawn by AI (let me know if it's not, I would love).
Now I'm working on an audiovisual artwork, soon to be released (a short excerpt at the top oh the thread).
So I started exploring if other artists had this insight and were doing similar research. Result: no one! Just tweets of derision, which highlighted the problem, without realizing its expressive potential under their hands (no pun intended).
But I clearly found that there was some interest in the topic, and after a few days, I found the work of @reallyill (whom I invite once again to fight this battle side by side), who wrote:
"What if AI hands are a feature, not a bug? [continue]
Why not try to let AI be itself and lean into the unusual semantic misunderstanding, and explore compositions that are quintessentially AI by putting 'flaws' front and center."
Eureka! This is exactly what I was looking for! Someone can understand, someone figured out!
The focus of our research is not Hands at all, but our relationship with technology, as human beings, the faculty of determining a subversive détournement on given things, escaping the prisons of normative thinking, opening portals everywhr, finding the beauty of imperfection
Therefore, bring the Flaw to the center of the composition, exalt the system glitches, let the AI be itself and not a semantic misunderstanding, transform the error into a signature, delegate to the human the task of interpretation, which is his own.
An aesthetic task, intended as the opposite of un-esthetic. As the opposite, therefore, of that art/sign that already tells you everything you need to know, despising your great mental faculties, anesthetizing you!
Therefore, hooray for not-five-fingered hands!
Because you are looking at the sixth finger rather than the moon that is being pointed to! And when one day someone will fix the bug, there will be no fingers left to point to anything.
I invite all artists out there interested in AI "bugs" as a sublime form of art to join our research, come forward below, use the hashtag #itsafeaturenotabug as a flag!
Embrace the flaws: don't fix it!

#itsafeaturenotabug #aihands #aihand #ai #stablediffusion
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