It’s late, aunty Rachel is grumpy, so here is something that ALL web3 artists need to think about during a bear market:
A thread👇🏻
2. It can be easy to believe in the idea of instant success and fame. If it can happen to them, it can happen to me if I follow.

The harsh reality is that success takes time, hard work, and perseverance.
3/ I find it helpful to remember a quote someone told me:

"Rachel, you can have everything but not all at once."
4. The definition of making it as an artist is a personal and dynamic concept.
Success is not one big win, but rather a collection of achievements over time.

5/ Here are 5 pillars that define success as a full time artist:

The 1st is Financial stability.
5a. Success is not floor prices or how expensive my art is. To be successful, I need to make enough to cover the cost of living.
6. Don't start shaming artists for asking what every other career gets, a livable wage from their job. An income where they can live with dignity.
7/ The 2nd pillar of success is Recognition

Gaining notice from others, such as critical acclaim or awards is not my primary goal. but it is a sign of success.
8. While I appreciate the validation that comes with recognition, I do not actively work for this.

What matters to me is the respect and consideration that comes with being invited and included.
9. Not everyone will appreciate my art, nor will everyone value me as an artist.

This doesn't concern me as I do not measure my success on universal approval.
10. The 3rd pillar of success is Impact.

I want to make a meaningful impact through my art, whether by inspiring commentary or educating about something I find interesting or fundraising for a meaningful cause.
11. Not everything I do has a big impact. I don't have that superpower.

Sharing art for the sake of art is a worthy impact.
12. The 4th pillar of success is my most important one, Creative fulfillment:
Feeling a sense of personal satisfaction and fulfillment in my work is something that I stray from but always come back to. I often take breaks from selling so that I never lose this.
13. When I burn out creativity, No other pillar (money, fame, etc) will make up for the loss of self.
14. The Fifth pillar to success is growth.

It seems backwards since success is viewed as a destination or benchmark, and growth is viewed as an ongoing state of evolution. But to never grow beyond what I am today would be unfulfilling and lead to an unsuccessful life
15. A bonus pillar of success is one I have to work on, and that is Legacy.

Leaving a lasting legacy through my art is something I am still figuring out.. The blockchain has this generational wealth ability with royalties..(?) but also, how will I - the artist- be remembered?
16. At a higher level, I want to be remembered as a curious traveler who brought beauty into this world through her art and actions.

I want to be remembered as someone who carved ways for artists to be valued higher in society and showed people how art can be a vehicle for good
17. On a more basic level, I want to be remembered for galvanizing others to create from their hearts. To live for themselves and embrace the fun in living fearlessly.
18. There are many more pillars on what success can be built upon, but ultimately, success for any artist is a personal and unique concept, shaped by individual experiences, aspirations, and values.
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