- Post
"Man is a teller of tales. We tell our lives as if they are a story and we live our lives as if we are in one. We cannot encounter the world we are in, except in narrative...
People's stories have gotten smaller. The smaller the story, the less capable it is of holding the weight of a whole human life.
To be human is to be made in the image of God. It's to have purpose, meaning, dignity, value, connectivity, and all these amazing things.
If our stories are too small, we see the cracks, the fragmentation and the anxiety bubble up...
The fragility of our cultural stories are having profound impacts on who we are and how we relate to each other.
We need confidence that there is a bigger and better story that we are invited to participate in. It is rich, deep, complex, and nuanced. We need the story to make sense of our lives. If we can find ourselves in it, we can start to glimpse what it means to be truly human." - Jo Frost

- Replied to Jason Scott Montoya
Here’s a thought: This breaking down of our smaller stories is what makes us vulnerable to bigger toxic stories. Our small story breaks and we’re crushed by the larger reality. So we accept distorted narratives to relieve us.