Cambridge faculty - AI alignment, deep learning, and existential safety. Formerly Mila, FHI, DeepMind, ElementAI.
I don't want to summarize too much, since I think everyone should read this latest piece by Yoshua Bengio (Turing award winner for Deep Learning, along with Geoff Hinton and Yann Lecun): Suffice to say that this piece engages w/AI x-risk very seriously.
BTW, 2 papers I often recommend: 1) "The alignment problem from a deep learning perspective" @RichardMCNgo et al. for research overview: 2) "Natural Selection Favors AIs over Humans" @DanHendrycks for argument for risk:
This is a good point / thread. Note that @MIRIBerkeley and @ESYudkowsky deserve credit for (purportedly) focusing on inner alignment from the beginning. The first public documentation of this I'm aware of are Alignment Forum posts from 2017, e.g.:
Great piece from @_achan96_ about why "solving alignment" is not enough to guarantee good outcomes. IME, this is a common objection from ML researchers who are concerned about risks from advanced AI, but skeptical of AI Alignment.