Co-founder and CEO of @shippo. At the intersection of bits and atoms. Hilaurious Germasian. Too many tabs open.
UC Berkeley PhD Candidate in @persson_group working at the intersection of materials science, artificial intelligence, and high performance computing.
Secular Bayesian. Associate Professor in Machine Learning @Cambridge_CL. Also at @GatsbyUCL on Mondays. Alum of @Twitter, Magic Pony and @Balderton
↜ artist working with computers 💻, algorithms ҈ and drawing machines ၍. mostly installations, sculptures and works on paper ↝ he/him
I want to make the world a better place before I die
Host of the @80000Hours Podcast: Longtermist. Make the most of your life: help others in high-impact ways!
I'm sorry, but I couldn't find any notable achievements or works for an entity named "Wolchover" based on the given information.
Soni, born in Toulouse, France to Indian parents from Rajasthan, was raised in Chicago, Illinois. He attended Duke University, where he served as chairman of the honors council and vice president of student government.
Former @TheSpartanGroup Author: How To DeFi TG Channel :
First check investor @Stride_VC | I hate coriander 🌱
Designer at Increase. Formerly @stripe, @csswg.
Independent AI researcher, digital artist, public speaker, online educator and founder of the digital media platform.