Mapping the world’s business & investing knowledge: @OSAMResearch 🧬 / @psumvc 🟣 / @capitalcamp ⛺️ / @joincolossus 🔎 / @join__frontier🌐
I’ve built software that iterates slower than SpaceX is iterating starships.
Between 1 & 2: new actuation, launch pad cooling, hot staging and on and on
“For any given technology development, it’s how many iterations you have and the time between iterations.
Every time we launch or do a test we learn something more
So we need to increase that cadence of launching and testing.
It’s always better to sacrifice hardware than to sacrifice time. Time is the one true currency”
I’ve shared @GrahamDuncanNYC’s writing before, but don’t know that I’ve shared this It’s a conversation with @tferriss from 3 years ago that I think is one of the best discussions of talent and investing that exists (if not THE best) Highly recommended: