I make videos about art, pixel art, game dev and any creative projects I'm working on! A true creative divvy. What does 'Divvy' mean? A north-eastern English word originating from the mining community's use of different types of lamp whilst working 'doon the pit'. An early, dangerous lamp nicknamed the Scotch Davy ('Divvie') had a high propensity to explode, and was superseded by safer lamps such as the George Stephenson ('Geordie') lamp. So someone would be unwise to go down a mine with a Davy/Divvie lamp, hence the word coming to mean a daft or silly person. Non-offensive and can be affectionate. 'Ha, you're such a divvy' or 'He's a right div.' (Modern usage)
Business Adm. and Economics student at Koç University
Upcarta community
building @upcarta make money sound again.
Filmmaker. Born Missoula, MT. Eagle Scout.
Film director, screenwriter, and producer. Known for his films characterized by nonlinear narratives, atmospheric music, and bold cinematography with vivid colors. Considered a contemporary auteur and ranked as one of the greatest filmmakers by Sight & Sound.