Relevant Creators
Creator of the Phoenix Framework, Author of Metaprogramming Elixir, Programmer at @dockyard, builder of things
Follow4 programming langs, startups. Founder: career rocket fuel for curious coders. Author 7 Languages 7 wks. @GigCityElixir & @LonestarElixir.
Chief Adoption Officer at @dashbit. Creator of @elixirlang and proud ex-Plataformatec.
Stephen Grider has been building complex Javascript front ends for top corporations in the San Francisco Bay Area. With an innate ability to simplify complex topics, Stephen has been mentoring engineers beginning their careers in software development for years, and has now expanded that experience onto Udemy, authoring the highest rated React course. He teaches on Udemy to share the knowledge he has gained with other software engineers. Invest in yourself by learning from Stephen's published courses.
Founder of Ludu and overall code geek.