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Mathematician and philosopher known for his humanistic approach to science. Presenter and writer of the documentary series and book "The Ascent of Man."
Physicist, historian of science, and information scientist. Investigated the Antikythera mechanism and conducted quantitative studies on scientific publications. Described as the "Herald of scientometrics".
Science raconteur. Author of Icepick Surgeon, Disappearing Spoon, and Bastard Brigade. Safety third...
Storyteller. Medical historian (Oxford, PhD). TV Host. THE FACEMAKER out June 7th! Available for preorder.
I lived in many cities growing up – London, Paris, Washington, D.C., Ankara, Turkey, New Delhi, India, Djakarta, Indonesia, and Singapore, because my father was a diplomat. As an adult I added New York (first as a student at Barnard College and Columbia Journalism School, and then as a journalist) and Baltimore to that list. Though never planned, all my books have been inspired by my interest in the histories and dynamics of cities, these complicated urban worlds where more and more citizens prefer to live.
Creator and author of Dinosaur Comics. Writer for Adventure Time and Marvel Comics' The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl. Winner of multiple Eisner Awards and Harvey Awards, and featured on New York Times Bestseller lists.