Grow Yourself, Your Business, & Your Community. Stories, Values, & Systems for Thriving Together. #WayTruthLife | Husband | Father(5) | Author | Freelancer | Cinephile
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“The most important number is 12%. That’s the share of Americans who say they have zero close friends, up from 3% in 1990. Meanwhile, half the country says they’re struggling with loneliness. These numbers took off when Apple put computers in our pockets, and they’ve been climbing ever since.”

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"In my community of Holocaust survivors, there were two groups; those who didn't die and those who came back to life.
And those who didn't die lived often very tethered to the ground, could not experience pleasure, could not trust, because when you're vigilant, worried, anxious, and insecure, you can't lift your head to go and take off in space and be playful and safe and imaginative.
Those who came back to life were those who understood the erotic as an antidote to death. They knew how to keep themselves alive." - Esther Perel

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Strand: This won’t end well, Madison. You think it’ll just be this one thing. But then you realize you can’t stop. I learned it the hard way. At the Tower. There was always just one more thing that I needed to do to keep it safe, and before I knew it, I was the thing people needed to be protected from.
S8: E11 “Fighting Like You”

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“The point of the “retribution” tour against the likes of Cheney and Romney is to punish them for right-doing: They offended populist Republicans not by trying to overthrow the government or absconding with classified information or cheating on their taxes but simply by insisting on holding Trump accountable to the Constitution for his authoritarian lousiness.”
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“If most voters cared about Trump’s illiberalism, America wouldn’t have reelected a coup-plotter on the off chance that he’ll bring the price of eggs down by a quarter. And right-wing propagandists have worked energetically and successfully for years, following Trump’s “DARVO” playbook, to try to convince the public that he’s forever being victimized by corrupt accusers who have conspired against Real America. If Cheney or Romney ends up indicted, plenty of Americans who’ve absorbed MAGA’s attacks on them will regard the criminal charges credulously. And among those who are skeptical, most ultimately won’t care that they’re being railroaded. Are egg prices down or aren’t they?”
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“The point of the “retribution” tour isn’t to uncover and punish actual criminal malfeasance, it’s to soothe Trump’s grievances and delight the MAGA base by taking scalps from political enemies. And there are too many enemies out there to immunize all of them. If Biden places Cheney and Romney beyond the reach of Patel’s FBI, the agency could simply reach out and touch someone else.”
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“Is it likely that Donald Trump’s administration will abuse federal power to harass antagonists like Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney?
You betcha. Romney has been candid about his anxiety at the prospect. The whole reason grifting children’s-book author Kash Patel has been tapped to lead the FBI, in fact, is his obsequious zeal for Trump’s “retribution” project.”
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"Liberal “suckers” and postliberal “fighters” are going to wrestle for control over the direction of the Democratic Party. And while the suckers stand a better chance of winning this fight than they did on the rotten American right, their chances will depend partly on Trump: The more corruptly he behaves in his second term and the more tolerant of that corruption voters prove to be, the weaker the electoral incentive for Democrats to follow liberal norms will get. At some points, “suckers” really are suckers."