American entrepreneur known as the founder of Oculus VR and designer of the Oculus Rift. Founder of defense contractor Anduril Industries.
Turing Award winning French computer scientist. Expert in machine learning, computer vision, mobile robotics, and computational neuroscience. Silver Professor at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University and Vice-President, Chief AI Scientist at Meta.
Computer scientist, physicist, and businessman. Known for his work in computer science, mathematics, and theoretical physics. Fellow of the American Mathematical Society.
British physicist at the University of Oxford. Pioneered the field of quantum computation, formulated a description for a quantum Turing machine, and specified an algorithm for quantum computers. Proposer of using entangled states and Bell's theorem for quantum key distribution. Proponent of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics.
Entrepreneur, investor, and programmer. Co-founder of Loopt, CEO of OpenAI, and former president of Y Combinator.
Sir Roger Penrose OM FRS (born 8 August 1931) is an English mathematical physicist, mathematician and philosopher of science.
British evolutionary biologist and author. Emeritus fellow of New College, Oxford. Popularized the gene-centred view of evolution in his book "The Selfish Gene" and coined the term "meme".
American businessman, investor, and philanthropist. Vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway and chairman of the Daily Journal Corporation.